Recommended Service Intervals at Charlie's Fast Lube Poplar Bluff
December 31, 2023
Most people in the Poplar Bluff area are aware that automotive manufacturers have recommended service intervals. Following recommended service intervals is very important. The engineers that design our vehicles have tested the various systems and components to meet durability and safety standards... More

Regular Schedule or Severe Service Schedule at Charlie's Fast Lube Poplar Bluff?
December 24, 2023
Today's Charlie's Fast Lube Poplar Bluff article focuses on severe service maintenance. Many Poplar Bluff drivers are not aware of them and yet there are also very vocal advocates in Missouri who think that severe service schedules apply to everyone. Somewhere between a complete lack of awarenes... More

Sniffing Out a Problem
December 17, 2023
Your parents probably taught you to have common sense. When it comes to your vehicle, common scents can also come in handy. Different smells may tell you about some conditions in your vehicle that need attention. For example, you know what rotten eggs smell like. If you smell them around your ve... More

The Light Many Drivers Fear (Check Engine Light)
December 10, 2023
Ask just about any driver about one thing they fear seeing inside their vehicle and they'll say it's the Check Engine light coming on. You know, that little light on your instrument panel that is in the shape of a vehicle engine, often accompanied by the words Check, Check Engine, Check Engine Se... More

To Fix or Not To Fix: That Is the Question.
December 3, 2023
No matter what vehicle you drive, when certain things break, you have to make a decision. Should I get it fixed now, later or never? Air conditioning is one of those things. You can certainly live without air conditioning, but it sure is nice to have on a sweltering day. Let's say your air con... More