It's (Not) Complicated (Engine Air Filter)
March 2, 2025
While many components of your vehicle are complex and composed of lots of mechanical and electrical parts, there's one that isn't complicated but still important. It's your engine air filter. (And, we should point out, the engine air filter isn't to be confused with the cabin air filter. The ca... More

Passing the Test (How to Prevent Emissions Test Failure)
February 23, 2025
Vehicle emission testing has become ubiquitous in North America and for a good reason. Clean air quality is important for the environment and all of us. Since vehicle emissions are among the main causes of air pollution, emission testing can alert you to problems in your vehicle than can be fix... More

Things Aren't Always What They Seem
February 16, 2025
If you drive, you know at some point, something's going to go wrong with your vehicle. And sometimes, it's pretty easy to figure out what's wrong, like a flat tire. But sometimes your vehicle's symptoms can be really puzzling. One driver in Missouri was heading to work on a hot July day and not... More

Wasteful Thinking
February 9, 2025
With the weather getting colder, you might be tempted to start your vehicle up, let it idle for 15 or 20 minutes and then get in the nice, cozy cabin. Some vehicles offer remote starting that let you do that from the comfort of your home or apartment. But is letting your vehicle idle like that ... More

Have a Ball! Know your Ball Joints (Ball Joints)
February 2, 2025
We all have joints in our own skeletal system, but did you know your vehicle has some joints of its own? One of the most important is called a ball joint. One of the interesting things is that it's somewhat similar to the ball and socket joints we have in our hips and shoulders. A ball joint all... More

In the Hot Seat (Repair and Maintenance of Seat Heaters)
January 26, 2025
It's chilly outside. You flip on that switch that looks like a picture of a seat with little heat waves rising from it. You expect soon you'll feel that warmth but wait! It's not getting warmer. Oh no, what's wrong with my seat heater? There could be lots of reasons it's not working, and it cou... More

Strutting Your Stuff (Shocks and Struts)
January 19, 2025
Ever wonder how your vehicle is able to move over bumps, potholes and other irregularities in the road and you hardly feel a vibration in the cabin? Its your shocks and struts doing the hard work along with the rest of your suspension and tires. They keep the ride smooth and are important for yo... More

(Timing Belt)
January 12, 2025
You may have heard about an important part of your vehicle's engine called a timing belt, and many know that if that belt breaks, it can cause some very serious engine problems. Not all vehicles have them, and the ones that do generally have smaller engines. The timing belt keeps the engine sy... More

Bad Vibrations (Brake Rotor Replacement)
January 5, 2025
If youve ever stepped on your brake pedal and felt your vehicle vibrate, thats a signal that you shouldnt ignore. A pulsating brake pedal is a sign that something is wrong. Braking action should be smooth, sure, and quiet, not shaky and noisy. Most newer vehicles have disc brakes, called that b... More

The Daily Grind (Grinding Noise)
December 29, 2024
If your vehicle makes a grinding sound when you turn the steering wheel, it's speaking to you. No, really, it is. So listen to what it's saying and you could avoid a much more costly repair down the road. A grinding sound coming from the front of your vehicle when you are turning can offer some... More